API changelog
This is the place for important upcoming and historical changes, fixes and features across our APIs.
Upcoming changes
Planned upcoming changes are documented here.
Kindly Chat
💥 Breaking change
Stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 matching Microsoft's End of Support announcement.
Chat log API
💥 Breaking change
Remove legacy chat log API endpoint at api.kindly.ai/api/v1/bot/:botId/conversations/chat/:chatId/
History of API changes
Changes to our APIs that have been released and deployed.
Application API
Nothing yet
Chat Log API
⚰️ Deprecation
The legacy chat log API endpoint at api.kindly.ai/api/v1/bot/:botId/conversations/chat/:chatId/
is now deprecated since we have a functionally equivalent and more robust API available. To avoid disruption, please migrate to the new endpoint at https://bot.kindly.ai/api/v1/chats/:chatId
before 2022-09-01. There are very few changes required. Learn how on the chat log API page.
Kindly Chat
💥 Breaking change
Remove support for Kindly Chat versions v2.0.0 and older. Version 2 was released 2020-11-03.
Handover API
Nothing yet
Statistics API
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
This page
Moved 2022-02-01 breaking change in Kindly Chat to history.
Added initial overview
Last updated