Getting started with webhooks

The fastest way to connect a service or application with Kindly is using our webhooks.

Webhooks can be added to any dialogue or fallback, and are simply sent via a POST request by the Kindly backend to the predefined URL.

For a complete reference on webhooks see the webhooks article.

How to use

There are multiple steps to follow for setting up a successful webhook.

Set up a simple web server

For this example, we'll set up and use our own web server to POST to. Our server will have a single endpoint, that simply returns a message to our bot.


The example server below is running Python through Flask. Upon receiving the webhook payload, the server will respond by returning a simple message.

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/kindly', methods=['POST'])
def get():
    response = {
        'reply': 'Hello from server!',

    return jsonify(response)

When running the script above, the server will run on localhost, with port 9000


The example server below is running on Hapi. Upon receiving the webhook payload, the server will respond by returning a simple message.

const Hapi = require("hapi");

const server = Hapi.server({
  host: "",
  port: 9000

  method: "POST",
  path: "/kindly",
  handler: () => ({
    reply: "Hello from server!"


When running the script above, the server will run on localhost, with port 9000

Set up ngrok

To test our newly configured server, we'll need to serve the script through ngrok. Ngrok is necessary for Kindly to communicate with our development machine (localhost), using it makes it a lot faster to develop, test and prototype new integrations and webhooks.

Follow the link above to set up ngrok on your machine.

When ngrok is set up, we need to point it to the port on which our server is running. This can be acheived with the following command ./ngrok http 9000. Note that this needs to be done inside the folder you installed ngrok.

If the command is successful, something similar to the following will be visible in our terminal.

Session Status                online
Account                       Bob bobsen (Plan: Free)
Version                       2.2.8
Region                        United States (us)
Web Interface       
Forwarding           -> localhost:9000
Forwarding           -> localhost:9000

Connections                   ttl     opn     rt1     rt5     p50     p90
                              0       0       0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00

Create a new dialogue

When our server is set up, and ngrok is running, we need to create a new dialogue and paste in the address we want to POST to.

In the Build section, navigate to a dialogue, then Output, and under Advanced features paste in the address ngrok provided. In my case, I would paste in

Be sure to include the endpoint path in the URL which we used in our server - /kindly - to get the correct response.

Trigger webhook

Now we're ready to test our webhook through the chat bubble, by triggering the dialogue we created earlier. If everything is set up correctly, the bot will respond with our message.

Inspect response

When the dialogue is triggered, and the response is received, we can inspect the response in the debug console. The object created in the console will give us a detailed overview of the payload sent, and received.


Check out this example for a complete webhook app.

Last updated